
Privacy & data protection

On the 9th of July, the hearing of the so-called Schrems 2.0 case took place before the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Justice (“CJEU”).

Privacy & data protection

On Thursday the 4th of July 2019, Cyber Security for Europe (CyberSec4EU) hosted a panel on the Proposal for a Regulation establishing the European Cybersecurity Industrial, Technology and Research Competence Centre and the Network of National Coordination Centres, the NCCC regulation.

British Airways
Privacy & data protection

The British Supervisory Authority, the British Information Commissioner's Office (ICO), announced its intention to impose a GDPR fine of £183 million (equivalent to €243.47 million) on British Airways.


The French data protection authority (the CNIL) has announced that it will soon communicate to data controllers a clarification of the legal obligations in terms of obtaining consent for cookies, as well as all for all other tracking devices and techniques.

Information technology

Libra is an initiative of the Swiss-based Libra Association started by Facebook. According to its white paper, it is a cryptocurrency that aims to fix precisely the issues that plague Bitcoin.

1 year GDPR
Privacy & data protection

About a year ago, on 25 May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) became applicable. Today, one year later, we draw up a balance sheet of the enforcement actions taken by the supervisory authorities across the EU.

Privacy & data protection

The previous statement by the new Chairman of the Belgian Data Protection Authority (DPA) affirming that the DPA will step up a gear in 2019 to ensure compliance with the GDPR has in the meantime been reinforced by the imposition of the first GDPR fine in Belgium.

Privacy & data protection

The EU Network and Information Security (NIS) Directive has been implemented in Belgian law. What does it mean for you?

Privacy & data protection

Early April, a variant of the right to be forgotten was introduced in insurance law. This was achieved by means of the Act of 4 April 2019 amending the Act of 4 April 2014 on insurances, which introduces a right to be forgotten for certain personal insurances.

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