
European Parliament | time.lex
News & announcements

In 2017, time.lex and CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies) performed an interesting study for the European Parliament (EP) Research Service regarding the possible introduction of a mandatory guarantee for the lifespan of certain products in the EU consumer legislation framework.

European Court Of Justice | time.lex
Intellectual property

On June 14th, 2017 the European Court of Justice (CJEU) confirmed that Internet Access Providers (IAPs) can be obliged to block the domain names and IP addresses of the online sharing platform The Pirate Bay (TPB).

FinTech Lawyers Network | time.lex
News & announcements

On Wednesday, June 28 at Money20/20 Europe, the four founding members Edwin Jacobs from time.lex, Benjamin May from Aramis, Frank Müller from Aderhold and Arno Voerman from Van Doorne officially launched their pan-European network of lawyers: the FinTech Lawyers Network (FLN).

EBA recommendations on cloud computing | time.lex

The European Banking Authority (EBA) has drafted recommendations aiming to provide guidelines for institutions on cloud computing. They are addressed to, in specific, credit institutions, investment firms and public authorities.

Legal 500 and Chambers and Partners rankings | time.lex
News & announcements

A law firm can’t exist without satisfied clients. That’s why we’re proud of the fact that our clients rewarded us with prestigious scores in the Legal 500 and Chambers and Partners law firm rankings.

DECIDE project | time.lex
News & announcements

DECIDE is a project funded under the EU’s horizon 2020 programme that will stimulate the creation and deployment through the use of its systems of applications, which are so designed that they can distribute their constituting components over heterogeneous cloud resources, sometimes provided by different cloud service providers, while still holding all the functional, business and non-functional properties declared in their respective Service Level Agreements (further: SLAs). 

CITADEL project | time.lex

In this blog post time.lex will provide a short presentation of the CITADEL project, what it hopes to achieve and what the importance of the project is for e-government in Belgium.

GDPR: where to start | time.lex
Privacy & data protection

The General Data Protection Regulation, which saw the light of day in spring last year, is set to apply from 25 May 2018. This means that businesses and organizations of all shapes and sizes have about 16 months to prepare themselves to comply with the new set of data protection rules. However, this preparation is easier said than done.

Guidelines EDPS | time.lex
Privacy & data protection

The European Data Protection Supervisor publishes guidelines on the processing of personal data through web services and by mobile applications.

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