
Peer Review Report on the authorisation of Payment Institutions (PIs) and Electronic Money Institutions (EMIs) by the national authorities / financial regulators
Information technology

Today the EBA published a Peer Review Report on the authorisation of Payment Institutions (PIs) and Electronic Money Institutions (EMIs) by the national authorities / financial regulators.

First GDPR certificaischeme
Privacy & data protection

Recently, the EDPB approved Europrivacy, the first and currently only European Data Protection Seal under the GDPR. Read more about the new Europrivacy GDPR certification scheme.

Privacy & data protection

Read more about our new GDPR-tool: Rightso.

The American Data Privacy and Protection Act
Privacy & data protection

The US is one of the few industrialized countries in the world that lacks a single national privacy law. So far, any efforts to establish a comprehensive federal consumer privacy framework have proved futile. Therefore, the ADPPA, is a long-awaited piece of federal legislation that - if passed - would be the first comprehensive privacy law to apply across the country.

Book "Privacy and Technology Law in Europe - Privacy and Data Protection Law"
News & announcements

Timelex proudly presents the book "Privacy and Technology Law in Europe - Privacy and Data Protection Law", as part of the International Encyclopaedia of Laws (IEL), a project that aims to provide access to legal systems worldwide by searching for suitable authors and supporting them in writing a book about the law of their country in a given field of law.

opt-in e-mail marketing
Privacy & data protection

In 2021, a data subject filed a complaint with the BDPA due to the receipt of a direct marketing e-mail from a company which he had not been a customer for two years. Was the company allowed to send direct marketing e-mails to former customers without consent? We will explain it to you.

European Commission | Timelex
Information technology

In this blog, we look at what has changed from the European Commission’s initial proposal on information accompanying transfers of funds and certain crypto-assets during the legislative course.

Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation in the home stretch
Information technology

After reaching an agreement on the so-called Crypto Travel Rule, an agreement was now also reached on the Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation or MiCAR. In this blogpost, we will have a look at the legislative procedure so far and what has changed from the European Commission’s initial proposal.


In this article we discuss the practice of a best efforts obligation, strict obligation or guarantee commitment in IT contracts.

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