
European Data Act
Privacy & data protection

The EU has long been debating about the need to ensure that access to data is possible more frequently, and on fairer terms. The Data Act is the result of these discussions and it regulates digital information in a very broad sense, including information generated by connected devices and various data held by businesses.

Legal questions
Privacy & data protection

What are the legal points of attention you need to pay attention to as an organiser? The 9 most pressing legal questions are answered in this blog.

Verifiable credentials

Essentially, verifiable credentials are a digital equivalent to paper based documents, which a holder can take with them, and present to any third parties that need to rely on them. What are the European rules and how can verifiable credentials help you?

Outsourcing your Justice Coordination Cell
Information technology

In this blogpost, we discuss two important and mandatory positions regarding the Justice Coordination Cell that may be outsourced.

Information technology

The draft Regulation on information accompanying transfers of funds and certain crypto-assets and the ECB’s opinion

Fintech Belgium
News & announcements

Timelex is very pleased to announce that it has become a partner of Fintech Belgium, the Belgian leading FinTech association.

Belgian Justice Coordination Cell
Information technology

How does the Belgian data retention obligation affect foreign electronic communications network operators or providers of electronic communications services?

Online tracking

Some browsers already block third-party cookies, and Google is working on an alternative technology for showing personalized ads without using third-party cookies. What does this mean for companies in AdTech?

News & announcements

The article 'Law Enforcement Use of Drones to Enforce COVID-19 Measures' is published in the latest edition of EDPL.

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