
Past events


Webinar: impact EHDS Regulation on BIGPICTURE project

The European Commission announced that its Proposal for a European Health Data Space (EHDS) Regulation will be published in Q1 of 2022. A common European Health Data Space should promote better exchange and access to different types of health data (electronic health records, genomics data, data from patient registries etc.), not only to support healthcare delivery (so-called primary use of data) but also for health research and health policy making purposes (so-called secondary use of data).

Bottlenecks of commercial contracts

What are the key topics to consider when concluding commercial agreements? Are there mandatory pre-contractual information obligations? What about the new B2B legislation and new Civil Code in Belgium? How can you limit the financial risk of poor performance and damages? How do you differentiate between rigid and flexible commitments? How do you sanction poor performance? What when changing circumstances and force majeure occur (e.g. COVID-19)? What is correct way to terminate and renew contracts? When is there an abuse of contract rights and good faith?


VII Polish Congress on Personal Data Protection

On 13 October 2021, Magdalena Kogut-Czarkowska will speak at an online conference: VII Polish Congress on Personal Data Protection Law. Her main topic is: 'The draft EU regulation on e-privacy - what awaits us?'.

Magdalena will discuss a few subjects:


Bitcoin, cryptocurrency and a vision of the future for us

On 5 October 2021, the Financial Forum West Flanders and the Postgraduate Centre organise an opening event on bitcoin, cryptocurrencies and the future vision on our monetary system. Niels Vandezande will speak about the legal aspects of cryptocurrencies and the underlying technology, blockchain.

This event will take place in Dutch.

Afternoon programme: 14.30 to 18.30 (with coffee and sandwich break)
Evening programme: 19:30 to 21:30 (with closing reception) 
Reception from 2 pm / 7 pm

KU Leuven Campus Kulak Kortrijk / Online
14h30 / 19h30

GDPR for start-ups: the basis and beyond

What is data protection and why is compliance the way to go?

Learn how implementing privacy by design will help you save money and attract investors. We’ll teach you the things you need to know when developing tools for data analytics, treatment of patients, predictive analysis, etc, and what you should consider when working with third parties, especially also when such parties are not established in the EU.

Speakers: Bernd Fiten and Pieter Gryffroy


GDPR: tijd voor maturiteit

During the 'Juristendagen' Geert Somers and Bernd Fiten will speak about data protection in the seminar 'GDPR: time for maturity'. For more information and registration click here

This webinar will be held in Dutch.


go.elDAS - Summit 2021

During this session, Hans will discuss the anticipated Implementing Act of the Single Digital Gateway Regulation, which will provide some further clarity on the expected operating details for the once-only principle in Europe. The session will summarise the general principles and philosophy behind the Act, and its approach to cross border identification and identity matching.

Virtual Poland: Privacy World Wrap-up

In this webinar, Magdalena Kogut - Czarkowska will present the most interesting enforcement actions in the EU, decisions and guidelines of the Polish data protection authority during the Virtual Poland KnowledgeNet Webinar. 

This presentation will be held in Polish. For registration and more information, please follow this link.


Webinar: Managing Schrems II and Data Sovereignty


On Thursday 27 May the webinar: 'Managing Schrems II and Data Sovereignty - Protecting data cross borders' will be held. The speakers will examine how current rules and regulations will impact organisations using the benefits of modern cloud environments.

What is the essence of the regulation and what does this mean from legal and compliance aspects? And how do cross-border data sovereignty laws like Schems II impact the modern cloud/IT environments? During the webinar, they will share practical solutions that can be implemented to ensure GDPR and Schrems II compliance.


3 years GDPR: update

It is now about three years since the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect.

As in previous years, it is time to make a preliminary analysis of the most notable enforcement actions by supervisory authorities in the past year, and to predict what organisations can expect in 2021 when it comes to data protection and GDPR.

This webinar will be given by Geert Somers and Bernd Fiten and will take place in Dutch.