
Past events


Practical guide for creating a good cookie policy

Since the first fine was imposed by the GBA for a cookie policy that did not comply with the GDPR, many organizations have had questions. Not exceptional, because the legislation is very complex and the fines can be high.

Uitgeverij Politeia, Keizerslaan 34, 1000 Brussels

Webinar: 2 years GDPR

It has been about two years since the General Data Protection Regulation (GPR in Dutch or GDPR in English) became applicable. As was the case last year, it is time to make a preliminary analysis of the most high-profile enforcement actions taken by supervisory authorities over the past year and to forecast what organisations can expect in the last quarter of 2020 and 2021 and in the coming years in terms of data protection and GDPR. 


Webinar: privacy & smart city-applications

In this webinar by Politeia, Pieter Gryffroy will discuss a number of basic principles of privacy and smart city: about how to capture and store camera images, how to process issues and how to obtain permission. 

The second part of this webinar focusses on answering specific questions about projects. Which questions or challenges are you facing? Are there certain ambiguities that prevent you from getting into a project?

The webinar will be held in Dutch.


Privacy Rules webinar: is it all about cookies?

On Tuesday 8 September, Geert Somers and Bernd Fiten will be speakers in the Privacy Rules webinar ''Tracking Technologies implementation, EU GDPR and E-privacy Regulation: is it all about cookies?''

To register or receive more information, read more.


Privacy Congress (online)

Privacy Congres

The second Privacy Congress will be held online this Friday, the 4th of September. Frederic Debusseré, will welcome the guests and take care of the introduction. Ruben Roex will speak about the new Belgian Cybersecurity Law. 


Webinar: Smart Contracts: An accessible overview from a legal perspective

On August 27, Intersentia organizes a webinar about Smart Contracts.

In this webinar, Niels Vandezande talks about the applications of smart contracts in financial law, with the following topics in particular:

  • Indication of cryptocurrency as a means of payment or as an investment means
  • Explanation of the relevant legal frameworks at European level, with a focus on payment services and financial instruments.

The target audience of the webinar is: lawyers, notaries and company lawyers.


Webinar: GDPR aspects of security and trust services, smart contracts/blockchain, e-payments

In this webinar by Politeia, Niels Vandezande explains the main conflicts between the GDPR and other legal frameworks, with a specific focus on security and trust services and e-payments.

This webinar will be held in Dutch.

More information and registration »


Webinar: Public safety v. privacy: the covid-19 tracing apps conundrum

On Wednesday 1 July, Geert Somers will be one of the speakers in the Privacy Rules webinar Public safety v. privacy: the covid-19 tracing apps conundrum.

For more information, see the brochure (PDF).


Webinar on cyber-criminality and the exploitation of the Covid-19 crisis: the EUROPOL report and international perspectives

On Tuesday 23 June, Ruben Roex will be one of the speakers at the Privacy Rules webinar: Webinar on cyber-criminality and the exploitation of the Covid-19 crisis: the EUROPOL report and international perspectives.


Global perspective on IP and technology

Timelex lawyer Lynn Pype will speak about Advertising in a digital age at the AIJA event Global perspective on IP and technology. The event will take place in Porto (Portugal) at 19 - 21 March 2020. 

More information »

Porto, Portugal
09:30 - 11:00