They are able to adapt easily to incredibly difficult matters and familiarise themselves with new legislation and legal technicalities. They have the ability to understand their client's industry, what their client does and what their client needs.
Chambers and Partners
Research and innovation are the main driving forces behind economic growth and progress in the information society. Sometimes they are the result of a single innovator’s hard work. Increasingly however, innovation is driven by the collective efforts of international groups, consortia, networks of excellence, and research labs, who build on each other’s findings and work together to achieve new breakthroughs.
Timelex is at the crest of innovative research projects, and has provided assistance on topics such as blockchain, electronic payments, big data analytics, digital health, Internet of Things, smart cities, robotics, AI and deep learning, to name but a few. In each instance, for these projects to realise their full potential, legal challenges needed to be addressed as well. Timelex, with its mix of legal knowledge and insight into current day technological innovations, was able to address these in a pragmatic way.
Innovation does not come easily, and beyond the practical and technical challenges, there are also legal knots to be untied. Timelex has extensive experience in providing legal assistance to innovators, ranging from SMEs to multinationals, international consortia and academic institutions, allowing them to focus on getting the work done.
Issues which are commonly addressed include:
Due to its strong background in policy and legislation, Timelex is also familiar with more niche topics, such as open data and public sector information (PSI), which strongly affect available reuse rights and restrictions. Similarly, Timelex has a long history in providing legal support to open source software development initiatives, and is familiar with all principal license models such as GPL, AGPL, LGPL, EUPL, Apache, BSD and MIT.
Further strengthening its awareness of the legal challenges behind research and innovation in the EU, Timelex is involved in Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe research and innovation actions, large scale pilots and similar research initiatives in Europe since its establishment. It regularly acts as a legal WP or task leader and ensures that the research and/or innovation project complies with all relevant legal provisions, for example in the field of privacy and personal data protection.
Additionally, Timelex team is familiar with all key phases and challenges in such projects, including:
‘Their legal experts are thorough and well-educated. Their research is on topic and requires in-depth knowledge of their field of expertise. Besides legal knowledge, they respect opinions and wishes’
Legal 500
Timelex has participated in Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe, Digital Europe and similar initiatives as a partner, subcontractor, or linked third party, and has provided assistance to participants in such projects as an external expert or external counsel. We are or have been involved as a legal partner in e.g. the following Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe and Digital Europe Actions: