GLIOMATCH (Grant Agreement no. 101136670) is a research and innovation action part of Horizon Europe for improving the clinical outcome of malignant brain tumors in adults and children with tailored immunotherapy treatments. The GLIOMATCH project will aims to improve outcomes in adult glioblastoma (GBM) and paediatric high grade gliomas (pHGG). The GLIOMATCH team wants to change this by developing a platform built with the help of extensive clinical trials and a data-driven approach. The project will enable immunology-based patient stratification by categorising individuals according to their immune system characteristics to customise treatments or interventions for more precise and effective healthcare strategies and make this technology accessible to clinicians.

GLIOMATCH aims to integrate spatially resolved, multi-layered tissue maps (using integrated single-cell multiomics), with non-invasive MRI images. This integration will fuel into a novel MRI Radio-multiomics hub, that will be made available to clinical professionals through which they can perform tumour-host based patient stratification and personalised therapy matching while interpreting longitudinal follow-up and treatment efficacy. The proposed data-driven models will be developed by analysing the largest cohort of immuno-oncology treated GBM/pHGG with matched controls and exceptionally long-term surviving GBM patients, in which various tumour-host niches will be studied in how they respond to immune-oncology perturbations and lead to improved clinical outcomes. This will be empowered by deploying an UNCAN-compatible data lake, to which incremental data collection will be used to further refine the machine learning models, while proposing novel treatment options. GLIOMATCH project will conduct retrospective as well as prospective clinical studies in different participating centres. 

Our role

Timelex will act as a legal counsel for the consortium  in general and overseeing compliance with relevant European legislation and corresponding national laws, if applicable. Timelex will also be responsible for advising on the legal and ethical frameworks for collection of human biological samples, data sharing and implementation of the cloud-based software platform and drafting all necessary agreements such as the joint controller arrangement, material and data transfer agreements etc.


Project details

More information about the GLIOMATCH project can be found on the project website: and the project page on the CORDIS website:

Funded by the European Union. This project has received funding from the European Commission’s Horizon Europe programme under Grant Agreement No. 101136670. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.