
Past events


How to effectively achieve compliance as small businesses in Kenya?

Liesa Boghaert zal tijdens het 4e Privacy Symposium Africa in Nairobi deelnemen aan een panelgesprek over de vraag hoe KMO’s in Kenya (en Afrika) op doeltreffende wijze kunnen voldoen aan het toepasselijke gegevensbeschermingsrecht. Liesa zal Europese inzichten en lessons-learnt bijbrengen voor zowel KMO’s als toezichthoudende autoriteiten.

Strathmore University, Nairobi
10:36 – 11:30 am EAT

IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI)

Magdalena Kogut-Czarkowska will be talking about GDPR compliance and governance models during a workshop on “Developing open, standard-based, interoperable Cancer Imaging Repositories in Europe: Issues, Experiences and Challenges” at IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI).

Hotel Du Lac, Ioannina (Greece)

2022 Summer Academy for Global Privacy Law: Engineering Data Regulation(s) in an Age of Reform

The adoption of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was the major piece in the EU data governance framework. In order to complete this framework EU policymakers have been busy drafting amendments to existing laws and proposing new legal measures to respond to the realities of data economy. 

During the 2022 Summer Academy for Global Privacy Law, reflection on the regulatory architecture of data governance in the EU, anticipating the adoption of these documents and their significant impact on compliance matters for businesses, will take place. 

Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels
2.15 - 5.00 PM

2022 Privacy Symposium Conference: Legitimate Interest in Practice

The 2022 Privacy Symposium Conference is developed as a non-commercial event, which aims at promoting international dialogue, cooperation, and knowledge sharing on data protection, innovative technologies, and compliance. Any remaining fund from the event will be reinvested in the organizing of the following editions. The programme is focused on high-quality content and is intended to be objective and technology-neutral.

Geert Somers will be the Chair for the Legitimate Interest in Practice panel.

Aula Magna Ca' Dolfin, Ca' Foscari University (Venice)
16.30 - 17.30 PM

How do you set up a (cross-border) webshop?

What legal aspects should you consider before getting started? What are the main differences between a B2B and B2C webshop? Is a dual structure the way to go? What types of information obligations do you have towards your webshop visitors? Which contractual documents should you have in place? Differentiate between website T&C, privacy policy, cookie policy and T&C of sale.

Speakers: Edwin Jacobs and Niels Vandezande


NCOI Seminar: Developments in the regulation of crypto currencies

2021 was another eventful year for crypto currencies. The classic players such as Bitcoin reached new heights and everyone seemed to be looking for the new gold with so-called "meme-coins" such as Shiba Inu and the latest hype: non-fungible tokens (NFT).

Although the crypto market itself seems crazier than ever, legislators have been busy. Concrete proposals are pending to regulate this market, which could have far-reaching consequences. In this seminar, Niels Vandezande explains the current state of affairs and the upcoming changes in legislation.


VIII Polish Congress of Data Protection Law: “Data Transfers – What Has Changed Over the Last Year?”

During the VIII Polish Congress of Data Protection Law, Magdalena Kogut-Czarkowska will present “Data Transfers – What Has Changed Over the Last Year?”

This is an online event, taking place from 23 - 25 March. It will be held in Polish.

Click here for more information and registration.

Scraping information from the internet

What can you freely scrape from the internet? Why can you not simply scrape everything that is online available? Learn about copyright, database law and personal data. What are typical contractual arrangements for the use of online information?

Lessons learned from litigation around internet scraping: learn how you can stay out of trouble. Learn how you can protect yourself against scraping by others.

Speakers: Geert Somers and Lynn Pype


FORMOBILE Results Event - panel discussion

FORMOBILE Results Event

Timelex’s Pieter Gryffroy will be joining a panel discussion on how EU Funded research projects address legal and ethical issues in collecting and analysing digital evidence.

This panel discussion is organized by the FORMOBILE project, in which Timelex participates as a legal expert. To attend the event, please register here.


Cryptocurrencies and how to proceed with them

In this webinar, we will discuss the current state of the law regarding cryptocurrencies, as well the upcoming legal framework proposed by the European Commission. The aim is to guide participants in how they can proceed with cryptocurrencies, and how to avoid the most common legal pitfalls when dealing with this hot topic.

For more information and registration, please visit the Workero Calendar.